Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Husnuzhon towards Allah

Assalamualaikum to all my dear friends.
How are you today? Yesterday? The day before yesterday?
Hopefully all of you in an excellence-health. In shaa Allah ((:

And how’s your iman? Iman?
How can I know my iman are going up or not ?
Surely,we cant know it EXACTLY. Only Allah does.
But, we can feel it through our “amal” ayte? Maybe .. a little bit ..
Hehe …

Let’s go to our topic today. …  Here we go … Vroomm… vroom…

Positive In Trusting Allah

Ooo. Snack ! Haha . If Aiman Azlan ‘s trademark is “oo.. snape!” mine would be “ oo..snack !”  - Laparla pulak … :P

We as muslims would be surely put our trust and faith to Allah , but how much was it ?
10% ? 30%? 50%?70%? or maybe 100% ?
MashaAllah. U wont know it until u had difficulties .

I have a lot of experience that making my trust towards Allah going up much more...
But, I would like to share to you two of it …

1st experience – During Ramadhan,5.30pm .

I was back from meeting. As usual have to use public transport – cab/lrt/bus. I didn’t mind on it.But, on that day , I have to take care of my brother- prepare some foods for my little brother …And it was traffic jam. Ooo Snap ! memangla kan …. I tried to take cab. Cab 1- Reject. Cab 2-Reject. Cab 3- Reject. And I was like “fuh !!” – mengeluh di situ ye. No no no. Tak baik. And finally  !  I had make my mind ! I have to be at home before 7 pm . So…. I have to take lrt to Ampang Park ,then  took bus to Ampang . oo.Memangla kan .. dengan traffic jam bagai . Sabar sajela.

But, you know what . Although it was QUITE IMPOSSIBLE for me to be at home before 7pm, I really really put my trust to Allah . I told myself “ Syafiqah. Allah akan tolong kau punye. Allah akan tolong punye. Percayala. Kau akan sampai sebelum  pukul 7. Ingat syafiqah. Allah pernah cakap yg sangkaan Allah menurut sangkaan hamba-Nya. Yakin syafiqah yakin !” And from that moment, I’m being really positive. Seriously, never being positive like that before.

And Alhamdulillah. I reached home 5 minutes before 7pm. Sound like “ape die nie.. Tu pon nak kecoh” Haha. I felt that way. But, who cares. At least I can feel  Allah is helping me when i really put my trust on Him.

2nd experience- Doing my job as sponsorship member.

Being one of the sponsorship member is really really suck you know. Memangla, call-ing, email-ing bagai… durh !! Sumpah x mau jadi lagi under sponsorship ( x baik sumpah2 pika  ;P) I know my English  was not good. Senang kata.Memang x good langsung la kan. Haha. And when I’m calling one of the corporate company(no need to be mention), and I have to accept their complaints about my English. Haha. Mmg pon berterabur. Seriously, I was being ask a lot of questions . and really. It make me feel  really down. I take a really deep breath and think it rationally. “ xpe syafiqah. Sabar. Nnti kat akhirat Allah x tanya English kau  ni bagus ke x. kau tgh usaha skrg nk improve English kau.chill out. Maybe amek mase.” I persuaded myself by thinking positively that Allah will granted me in other way.

One day,after performing my subuh prayer , I sit down and really hoping Allah will help. I’m thinking positively that Allah will open one of the company’s board of director’s heart on sponsoring, and I recite “ayat seribu dinar” with full of confidence. And Alhamdulillah, in the afternoon someone called me to ask about sponsorship. Subhanallah,it was really miracle for me.


My advice to all. Just trust towards Allah. Maybe some would say that “alah… tu permainan minda jek.kalau positive.,positive la die. Kalau negative,negative la die.” I was thought that before. But you know what. I change my thought that all that we have – nikmat – comes  from Allah .

In a Divine Hadith, the expression “I am according to how my servant thinks of Me” (Bukhari, Tawhid, 15; Muslim, Tawba, 1 takes place)

*Usaha+Doa+Tawakal* ((:

That’s all. Wassalam.

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Great News !

Assalamualaikum to brothers and sisters.

Here is the announcement.

We would like to give all you a present for this upcoming EidulFitri celebration with the opening of registration for Dr Zakir Naik Malaysian Tour 2012!!

The registration are now OPEN!!
The admission is for FREE.

All this events are open for ALL Non Muslims and Muslims

grab your tickets now at :

( For event in Johor )

( For event in UiTM Shah Alam )

( For event in Penang )

( For event in Kuantan )

( For event in PWTC )

thank you and jazakumullahu khair for your patient on the registration.

Share to all.

For more information-->

Friday, August 17, 2012

Dakwah 'Train"

Assalamualaikum warahmatullahiwabarakatuh.


Dear my sisters and brothers, May Allah bless and ease you all..(^^)
Dear friends, today, i just want to share a quite interesting and wonderful experience (for me la) on sharing Islam.. Subhanallah, such a wonderful one. Never done this before.

Want To Know?


Last Sunday, my friends went to do dakwah@sharing islam.. But, unfortunately. me. Yes, me . didnt join . Subhanallah, my friend share a lot on our group about sharing Islam... And i have things to do. it will be great if i cn join it too... So, i can feel how our beloved Prophet (pbuh) sharing islam to all.. 

Nidzam, one of member in our group, with his spirit on doing dakwah.. Initiate one more sharing islam at KL Sentral. and Alhamdulillah, Allah gave me this oppurtunity to join. Seriously, wonderful one.

We were starting on about 12 pm - last Thursday. After having such a quite simple discussion/meeting,we move to our place to start on our mission. My group consist of 4 members- me, Ad-yana,Ng Beng, and Idruz and our place on doing dakwah at Platform 3&$ KTM.. Fuh...

1st time doing this.Only Allah knows how afraid I am. And luckily , Ad-yana always kept me calm and kept remind me to be tawakkal lillahitaala. If we do good deeds because of Allah, in shaa Allah, Allah will ease our work.. I try to keep calm..

And then, we went to share islam. 1st person, english woman, she rejected us. Haha. Sumpah. down gile. But , have to be strong... Serious,doing this is not something easy. Subhanallah, Prophet Muhammad(pbuh) and other prophets are sooooo strong.. and i felt so small . ;( Only Allah knows the felt.

Then, we try to approach one uncle. Indian Malaysian. hehe. He is quite friendly. Buddhist. but he believe on one God only. when we ask what is the purpose of life.then he said just to live. And then, i'm try to share islam(time nie ad-yana gi approach non-muslim lain).. 

We also, approach some foreigners. Like Italian couple. They are catholic . They told us that Islam in Malaysia and other country like Egypt and blablabla are different. They told us that ppl at Egypt look differ to them because of their attire. Unlike in Malaysia,they felt more safe. Then, the woman ask us about discrimination between man and female. and we try to explain a little bit. then i gave them example on hijab..but, unfortunately, i forgot to xplain to them about versusin quran  that said man and woman should lowering their gaze. Seriuos lupa...But, they are sooo wonderful.. baik gile.

Than, approach an Indian come from India. He is also a buddhist. but, he believe in one God to. yippii.same thought,but maybe he still searching about who is He. He told us that the purpose of life is just to do goo deeds and help other ppl. he told us that he has bible,quran but only read a little only.and he ask us about syiah. Ad-dyana esplain it to him.cause i didnt have any knowledge on this part.

Last person, english woman,come from UK. and she is a christian.. but, she believes more into science.She was quite angry because one of her muslim friend rejected science completely. but, actually, we cn relate science and islam right?

urm.. that's all i think... want to share a lot. but have to do many things right now.and....


Saturday, July 21, 2012

Hijab or Veils?

Have a nice day , dear brother and sisters.
May Allah bless you here and hereafter. in shaa Allah.

Do you see pictures above?
Yes,both are muslimah, wearing a hijab.
But. what makes both difference on your eyes?
The colour? Haha. That's true. But that is not the topic i want to share today.
(^-^) so, check this out,bebeh.

p/s: This should be in Malay, but somehow i translated it into English version. So, all people could understand better.

Muslimah A:  Sister, i wanna ask something. In this school, I wear a long hijab(tudung labuh da...) . But, outside. I only wear scarf .Sometimes, shawl . Not long hijab like I usually wear at school. Is it proper for me do that?

Muslimah B: Dear sister, Are you covering your aurah?

Muslimah A: Yes, I do.

Muslimah B: Do you wear that scarf or shawl , cover your chest?

Muslimah  A: Yes, I do.

Muslimah B: Then, that's find. 

Muslimah A: ???

Muslimah B: Islam is a simple way of life.  Dont make it too hard as long as youdo Allah's order even it was minimum. Just start from basic. The important one is drawing your iman. Your trust towards Allah. Sometimes,those who are free hair or wearing scarf / shawl have more faith towards Allah or having stronger aqeeda that those who are wearing long hijab. So, if you feel pleasent wearing scarf or shawl that covers your chest, then it's okay.

That's is it , my beloved brothers and sisters.:)

Let's check this ' love letter ' from Allah.

This verse never ask us to wear long hijab and do not wear other than that. Islam is SO SIMPLE.

“And say to the believing women that they should lower their gaze and guard their modesty; that they should not display their beauty and ornaments except what must ordinarily appear therof; that they should draw their veils over their bosoms and not display their beauty except to their husbands, their fathers, their husbands’ fathers, their sons, their husbands’ sons, their brothers, or their brothers’ sons or their sisters’ sons, or their women or the servants whom their right hands possess, or male servants free of physical needs, or small children who have no sense of the shame of sex, and that they should not strike their feet in order to draw attention to their hidden ornaments. And O you Believers, turn you all together towards Allah, that you may attain Bliss.” (Quran 24:31).

p/s: Dont ever think that those wearing long hijab is sooo knowlegeable about religion than those who are not. Please change these perceptions. :)

Next post: Islam is the first religion?

Thursday, June 21, 2012

Dakwah muslims and muallaf are difference..ALERT!


How are you my friends? May Allah giving you well-health and excellence-iman day by day. In shaa Allah.

So,what is the story-morry today. Nothing. Just a little advice about approaching muslims and muallaf. Act,who is muslim? I AM ! Muslims are those ppl who are in Islam religion. Muallaf ? Someone who are new in Islam, which in simple way to tranlate it is by those who are revert into Islam.

And you know what , all of us, either muslims or muallaf, we are all the same. In Islam. Like siblings(saudara la...). But,still there are new in Islam, so they might not so understand with rules in Islam like wearing hijab,praying,fasting and so on. And even SOME of non-muslims might think praying 5 times a day, fasting in month of Ramadhan and others are such burden. We as muslims might find it simple and understand Islam very well. (NOT ALL, i think) because we had done those for the rest of our lives,ayte? But, muallaf are not. They might get threatening with many variables of ways that might loss their faith towards Islam. From family,friends,and people around them. Who knows? We as muslims do not having many difficulties in doing so many things because we are living in peacefull(except for the countries that getting war). But, they do.They have to pray secretly and many things.

When we are going back to Sirah Nabawiyyah. Our prophet,Muhammad SAW, are spreading Islam secretly in the beginning. Do you find that is simple? Sumayyah, Said Abu Waqqas and Bilal bin Rabbah...They have to keep their iman from their parents and masters.. Do you still think it was easy?

But,why... We as muslims are making them in difficulties..
Told them to wear hijabs and so on.. Follow sunnah strictly. Blablabla.. They are not common in those stuff yet..Just do understand them. It is the same when you are go to Australia, Korea, India or other places that are not familiar to you. Without other ppl direct guidance, you would not know where the place ,ayte? Same goes to muallaf. But,belief me.. Their Aqidah much more than us, who are muslims since born.

I wasnt rejected sunnah . I accept them and try to do them little by little. But, just make it slow to muallaf in this part.. I think doing the wajib one was enough for them as beginners. After they had familiar to Islam,then try to approach them with sunnah slowly. It is much better. 

I was becoming very sensative when ppl try to judge muallaf in the same way as born-muslims. Give them some time ayte? Changes can be made slowly as long as they istiqamah. Dakwah to already muslims and muallaf was way to DIFFRENCE okay. As an example, if Ustaz or Ustazah saying that women should wear purdah because it might bring fitnah. I can accept this advice for already muslims or 20 years muallaf(muslims la kan), but this advice wasnt very suitable for 2-3 weeks muallaf(beginners one). We just dont want them to fell that Islam is burden. Aurat for women with non-mahram are all part of body except face and palm Eventhough in most hadis sahih said that face and palm are also aurat,but there are 2 qaul from most of the hadis,which are all parts of the body and the second on is every part except face and palm(unless it bring fitnah).FULLSTOP. 

Comparing muslims and muallaf is not the same as comparing non-muslims and kafir.
Who are we try to judge others to become kafr? Are we god?Nope ayte.So,better stay on your line. 

One question,then I shut my mouth .. ooopss . stop from typing.

Are those in the past like Abu Bakar RA, Uthman RA, Umar RA and others from the past are called to be muallaf? ( I give the common definition about mullaf as state above) Try to think it first..


Friday, May 18, 2012

Caknakah anda?

Assalamualaikum.:D Cakk ! Aww Cakk ! haha merepek. Nampak bersawang blog ini kerana sudah lama tidak diupdatekan essay-essay di sini atas kekangan kerja dan masa.dan alhamdulillah, praise to Allah as giving me some space and time right now untuk tekan-tekan keyboard ana hari ini. Apakah yang nak tulis?Minda berputar.Putar lagi.Putar lagi.Putar lagi. Waduhhh... pening pulak.haha. Orite,bebeh sekalian. Light bulb comes out ! Chaannng !:p Did you know what happened at Palestine now? Tahu x ?Isu semasa tu sayang. Isu umat Islam tu sayang. Ana pon x tau mula...Tapi.... baca kisah seterusnya, bebeh. Ana ada kelas komputer hari tu( 15/5/2012), seperti biasa belajar seperti biasa. Belajar? Tidak mungkin ! Tatkala lecturer di hadapan membebel keseorang di hadapan, fokusku mula hilang. Tangan merayap ke keybaord dan terus menekan punat-punat dengan menaip "facebook". Ana pon sign in...... Dan ada banyak status sahabat-sahabat dan sahibah-sahibah facebook ana diupdate. 'seperti biasala kan...' sesuatu yang pelik.Ramai yang menggunakna profile pic warna coklat-coklat giru... Ana tertanya-tanya, apakah ini? dan tupp... Allah gave me athe answer. NAKBAH PALESTINE... Apakah itu???!! Apa lagi,curiosity level ana melonjak naik la kan... Ana terus search kat google. dan Alhamdulillah.Ana dah tahu apakah itu NAKBAH PALESTINE... Nak tau x ? Kene tau jugak sebab kamu ummat Islam... Peka dan cakne sikit dengan saudara kita ,yok ! Nakbah means malapetaka or bencana .. Kenapa ianya digelar sebegitu sedangkan tanah arab itu merupakan tempat yang istimewa. Because, Tarikh 15/5/2012 adalah genapnya 60 tahun israel menakluki Palestin. Kalau Malaysia sudah merdeka 50 tahun lebih.. tapi, tidak pada rakyat Palestin. Tanpa segan silu, sebanyak 90% daripada negara Palestin sudah menjadi taklukan Israel Zionis... Dan mereka bina tembok yang paling tinggi dan terbesar untuk menghalang kemasukan apa2 bantuan dan juga pengeluaran orang Palestine dari negara tersebut.Pernah juga terbaca tentera Israel yang nampak kanak-kanak main berdekatan dengan tembok tu pon akan ditembak. Kejam kan?Kanak-kanak je pon... Dan pada tarikh yang sama,gambar seorang tahanan (yang tidak bersalah pada zahirnya) dipaparkan di internet. di mana insan itu buat mogok lapar dan telah turun berat yang sangat banyak ! Nampak gile tulang-tulangnya. Ada yang tanya boleh ke buat mogok lapar ? Bukan ke benda tu menzalimi diri sendiri? Yurh ,bebeh ... ada some1 jawab ... Dia punye intention buat mogok lapar untuk tunjukkan dan sedarkan umat Islam apa yang Israel buat kat diorang. Menjadi keutamaan(Awlawiyat) sekarang adalah kesedaran umat Islam.... Fuhhh... Tu je kot nak kongsikan... Ana nak semua orang tahu pasal isu ni... Cakna noh... Gerakkan tarbiyah sahabat-sahabat dan sahibah-sahibah semua. Pengerak tarbiyah yang unggul adalah Rasulullah SAW sendiri. Hassan Al-Banna juga tidak kurang hebatnya dalam gerakan terbiyah... Tarbiyah adalah untuk menyentuh hati setiap insan... Pastikan Islam menang ! Allahuakbar ! Wassalam.

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Aku nak kawen dah .

Bismillahirrahmanirrahim …

Hohoho…haha.tetibe jek. tajuk x de kene mengena pon.haha...

Cinta itu cahaya sanubari,

Kurniaan Tuhan,

Fitrah Insani,

Dan Di mana,Terciptanya cinta,

Di situ rindu bermula……..

Ooopsss! Bila ada cinta , mula ada rindu …

Okayh! Takde kene mengena dengan tajuk hari ni.ngehngehngeh… saje jek bagi korang takjub sikit.haha.

Marriage . Kawin . nye tajuk nie…best sangat. Best sangat,

ngehngehngeh …

Act, ana x spesifikkan tajuk untk hari ini. Sbb I found something on facebook that get me interested on it.

Perkahwinan elak daripada zina .

Ooohhh… yearh .,baby. Haha. Merapu lagi..haha. sounds annoying right.

Ana omomomomomo(sangatsangatsangatsangatsangat) tertarik dengan tajuk ni dalam facebook ana.

I think we should start with a heart full with sincerity . Hangpa jangan nak kondem ana ea. Provoke pon x boleh. Ini blog ana , jadi ana boleh suarakan pendapat tanpa menyebelah kepada pihak yg ekstrem atau pun sebaliknya.Ana dipertengahan.

Act , apakah hokum perkahwinan ini ?

Soalan ini ada x pernah bermain-main dalam kotak minda hangpa ?

Kalau ada , baguih la . Alhamdulillah . Hangpa ada perasaan ingin tahu . Tapi ,soalan tu tak akan terjawab dengan sendirinya . Tanya , Cari , Kaji … Janganla nak tau tapi xde usaha .. Tak guna jugak .

Hukum Perkahwinan itu boleh jadi WAJIB, SUNAT,HARUS,MAKRUH dan HARAAAAMMMM …

Tapi, hari ini ana tak mahu tekankan hukum marriage ni..

Malas nak tulis panjang-panjang . ngehngehngeh ..

Kahwin tu dapat elak zina.Kau tak tahu ke ?

Oh,babe . Ana tau tu babe . Statement tu hanya dipandang oleh mereka-mereka yang memandang pada satu cara sahaja. Sedangkan Allah bagi banyak lagi alternatif untuk elakkan zina. Jangan pandang hanya pada satu cara sahaja . Kalaula kita x mampu untuk berkahwin, takut zalimi pasangan kita , Allah bagi kita alternatif untuk kita berpuasa .

Tapi,saya puasa pon macam boleh aje ada kemungkinan untuk melakukan zina.Camne tu,dude?

Dude ! Ana pernah tengok satu ceramah daripada Ustaz Azhar Idrus . Kalaula berlaku perkara sedemikian, itu maknanya kita tak puasa dengan ikhlas ., dengan jujur . Puasa tu untuk kita tahan diri kita bukan aje dari makan atau minum , malah sebarang perbuatan yang boleh batalkan puasa kita . Cuba . muhasabah diri kita sama-sama. Perbetulkan niat kita. Niat kita “ Aku berpuasa hari ini kerana Allah Taala.” . Kita takla pulak niat .” Aku berpuasa hari ini sebab aku nak elak daripada zina” kankankan?

Apabila kita niat kerana Allah,kita yakin yakni Allah sedang perhatikan kita . Kalau kita nak buat jahat sekalipon , kita ingat balik niat asal kita .

Orang kata kalau kapel tu hampiri dengan zina. Jadi, aku nak kawen jela sbb nk elak zina. Salah ke ?

Kau tanya salah ke? Eysh , budak ni . Sape kate salah. Takde sape yang kata kalau kau kawen tu salah. Takde.Takde. Kawenla. Tapi, …

Allah berfirman dalam kalam-Nya,

“Jangan hampiri zina.”

See, hang sendiri cakap yang kapel tu hampiri dengan zina. Janganla dok gatai-gatai nak kapel-kapel . Perkahwinan tu memangla dapat elak daripada zina. Tapi, kalau kita buka ruang-ruang untuk menghampiri ke atah jalan zina , memangla x mustahil akan berlaku perzinaan . Contoh , SMS atau calling benda-benda yang tak mustahak .

Habes tu,tak boleh nak bercinta la. Nanti buat zina.

Kawan, cinta itu satu fitrah .. Perlu ada pengawakalan diri dan juga iman. Jangan terlalu leka denga cinta manusia sedangkan cinta Tuhan , entah ke mana . Seiringkan perkahwinan tu dengan rasa untuk tambah ketakwaan kepada Ilahi . Nak kawen kawenla . Tapi , pastikan diri kita siap dengan rasa untuk pikul satu lagi tanggungjawab sebagai seorang suami atau isteri. Nanti kelak , kita akan pikul tanggungjawab yang lain pula. Muhasabah diri sama ada kita ni boleh pikul tanggungjawab tu atau tidak.

Ana pon sedang cuba untuk perbaiki diri untuk persediaan melangkah ke alam itu kelak.Bila? Wallahu'alam .

Kalau ada yang x puas ati,maaf banyak2 yek.Takde niat pon nak sebelah sape2 .


Wassalam ....

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Jangan Silap Tujuan

In the name of Allah.

Mengharapkan agar kata-kata di sini menjadi saksi di Padang Mahsyar kelak,di hadapan Allah,di hadapan seluruh umat manusia bahawa ana memegang erat dengan kalimah syahadah,pegangan setiap individu manusia.Mengharapkan ia menjadi bukti satu hari kelak.

Ana baru tersedar.

Apa yang ana buat sesuatu yang salah.Ana meletakkan habluminannas lebih daripada habluminallah.Apa yg ana merapu kan?

Dulu,masa ana masih PASUM,ada rakan-rakan yang akan menasihatkan kita.Yang akan mengeluarkan ana dari kegelapan kepada cahaya yang terang.Tapi,ana silap.Ana silap meletakkan anjakan ana itu pada bukan tempat yang betul.

Niat yang sebenarnya adalah meletakkan amal-amal yang kita buat kerana Allah.Bukan kerana sahabat atau makhluk-makhluk Allah.

Ya!Sahabatla yang akan menasihati kita.Yang akan sama-sama mendokong agama Allah.Tapi,mereka hanyala sebagai wasilah daripada Allah.Hanyalah wasilah.Bukannya sebagai tujuan.

Bayangkan,sekiranya masih ada sahabat di sisi kita,kita sama-sama mendekatkan diri dengan Allah.Tapi,bilamana sahabat kita tiada lagi dengan kita,Masihkah lagi kita menggerakkan diri ke jalan-Nya.

Dan itu yang terjadi pada ana.Ana selalu memuji dia.Sehinggakan ana lupa pada Yang Selayak-Nya di-Puji... HInggalah Allah menjarakkan kami... barulah ana tahu tujuan ana untuk hidup adalah kerana Allah,bukan pada makhluk-Nya.

Sama-sama,kita berusaha menjadi Hamba ILahi...ameen..:)

Saturday, January 14, 2012

Tears for Allah. (T.T)

Shall we begin with basmalah?

Bismillahirrahmanirrahim.. Dengan Menyebut Nama Allah Yang Maha Pemurah lagi Maha Penyayang..

Alhamdulillah.Terima kasih Tuhan sbb masih berikan peluang untuk hamba-Mu ini hidup dalam agama-Mu. Terima kasih kepada Azza wajalla as He stil giving me chance to live by holding tightly with the 6 beliefs that MUST each of muslim lay their belief on..Alhamdulillah...

Oohh Allah..

Dah sekian lama dah ana x mengalirkan air mata.. Dah lama sangat.. Ana cuba paksa utk mengalirkan air mata but somehow untuk mengalirkan air mata ini kerana Allah susah sangat... 6 months or should i say,more than that? Ana rasa 'keras' utk mengalirkan air mata... Ana x tau kenapa susah sgt nk rembeskan air mata ni..but,its too hard for me...really...

Tp,bila ana tgk hindustan...x henti2 plk ana nk nangis...teresak2.(yeke?x kot..haha)...

hurm...ana bajet bagus.bajet x de dosa..nak masuk syurga,padahal dosa bertimbun-timbun.. nak pahala banyak-banyak,tp amal yg ana buat sikit.. nak Allah sayang ana,tp ana selalu lupakan Allah.. Selalu x ingat Allah... Selalu buat apa yg Allah larang...Terkadang ana rasa x layak untk minta apa-apa drpd Allah.. Allah bagi banyak benda kat ana,tp ana lupa yg dia bagi ana macam2...

Ana nak jadi baik.. Nak jadi solehah...nak jadi seorang yang taat... Tapi,terkadang nafsu ana utk langgar apa yg dilarang tu lagi besar darpada rasa iman yang ada... Kadang-kadang ana rasa putus asa.. Tapi ,siapa yg tahu... none.. and it was hopeless... Terkadang ana rasa rindu dengan zaman PASUM dulu.. Yang sarat dengan kata-kata semangat... Yang buat ana sentiasa ingat Allah itu sentiasa ada di sisi ana.. Yang buat ana terfikir Hebatnya Allah...Tp,skrg... ana rasa lost...

Please , someone, hold my hand... sobsobsob .... ana rasa terkapai.. Ana rasa kosong ... taktaktak... Ana ada Allah.. Kalau manusia x suka ana,x pela... ana x boleh buat apa... itu pandangan manusia..ana x boleh nak ubah... tapi,ana kene jadi baik utk Allah...Jadi yang terbaik untuk-Nya..

Until one day,i read about sirah nabawiyyah. and it touch deeply into my heart... and on that time Allah let my tears falling down without stop... until i sleep with those tears...


Kenapa tibe-tibe menangis...?

Because i realized how strong were our prophet,Khalifah Rasyidin,sahabah-sahabah and sahibah-sahibah..May Allah always bless them ... Diorg sangat hebat..sangat-sangat hebat. Diorang korbankan segalanya kerana Allah.. Even their life... Mereka sanggup buat apa-apa sahaja..Apa sahaja. Bilal dijemur dan diletakkan batu besar di atasnya oleh majikannya selama beberapa hari...Kalau ana? Anak perempuan Abu Bakar ditampar sebab enggan untuk bgtau dimana Rasulullah dan ayahnya berada...Kalau ana? Ali bin Abi Thalib sanggup untuk tidur di tempat RAsulullah padahal nyata nyawanya terancam..Kalau ana?Abu Bakar yang gelisah bila dgr tapak kasut di luat gua dan sanggup tahan sakit semasa digigit kala jengking.kalau ana?

and somehow , ana selalu terfikir ,kalaula ana ada zaman Rasulullah tu,ana akan dapat rasakan ke nikmat Islam and Iman tu macam ana nikmati sekarang? Ana selalu tertanya kalau ana,kalau ana,kalau ana ???


Sebab ana lemah....

And ,from that... I started to realise... Ana mesti ada iltizam utk mantapkan iman...insya-Allah...Doakan ana...

ooo.Allah...PLease guide me and make me strong... Ameen.