Monday, January 14, 2013

Issues on Allah's name.

In the name of Allah.

Assalamualaikum wbt, my dear friends.

How are you doing right now? I pray for your healthiness, your faith and your life will be in an excellent mood. Oyeeah ! Insha Allah.

It's 2013 right now ! Awesome ! and this would be my first post in 2013 ! super awesome!  *haha. perasan*

What would be the issue that I might bring today? urm. i would say an OLD ISSUE , but had never been exposed in Malaysia until it mentioned for these few days. Do you know ? I think you might know this. Yeah. Popular issues , especially for muslims,


Fyi, this issue had become popular these days. or should i say popular back instead popular only? what do you think regarding this issues? is it okay to let them using Allah's name in their bible? urm, actually, in BIBLE WITH MALAY TRANSLATION.

I found out many of muslims had gave reactions towards this issue. Some agree. and some not.
oh, yes. People have many and different thoughts. its all depend on their thinking, research and also knowledge. we can see those people that give their opinions by using their emotional and those people that give their opinions using knowledge that based on quran, sunnah and also sirah.

Regarding on this issue, i had make an online conversation with my christian friend. I ask her is Allah is your Father of God ( a question that had been left without an answer -in myself) ? and she only says about trinity concept. 

(for those who do not know what is trinity, let me share a little bit on this concept. For some christians , they believe in this concept of trinity, which is Father of God, Son of God and The Holy Spirit . It means it is not three, but one.*this is their faith in christianity* The son of God is Jesus Christ )

However, i didnt get an absolute answer for this question as she only says that this concept of trinity is not implies on "how many Gods they have"*amount* but it is only about the POWER of God, which is God that can do mannyy things... and i ask some more questions, and she ask me to go to church and ask the priest by my ownself as she's afraid that she might confuse me. so, at the end, i didnt get the absolute answer.

So, i search more and more.

I take this opinion from Dr Maza's blog and video. and i found it simple and it shows the TRUTH IN ISLAM. 

here is the link for videos-

I love to conclude a little bit from his idea. in which he make a distinction on the Rule In Country & the Rule In Religions.  Dfferent between regulations in Malaysia and Islam.

oh. okay. from what i understood here. he mention out that in Islam, everyone can called Allah as their God. Well, actually its true. Allah is the real God to ALL the creations that He had created. Plants,animals, sky, stones, humans and etcetc. is non-muslims is not the creations of Allah? The answer is no. All creations, - humans , muslims or non-muslims, we had been created by the same God, which is Allah. How can you deny this statement. Dont believe me? Lets see here.

Indeed, your Lord is Allah , who created the heavens and earth in six days and then established Himself above the Throne. He covers the night with the day, [another night] chasing it rapidly; and [He created] the sun, the moon, and the stars, subjected by His command. Unquestionably, His is the creation and the command; blessed is Allah , Lord of the worlds.
(Al-A'raf: 54)

Now, you believe?
Even the ancient Arabic Christians also use name Allah.It is not prohibited at all.

but the problem here...

In Malaysia, most of the citizens do not understand this issue fully. 
Most of the ulama in Malaysia afraid that it might give a wrong impression on Allah and cause our generations to have a wrong faith on Islam.
That's the only the problem.

The questions here: 
Is the God in christian faith is the same as in Islamic faith?
If yes,is it permissible to use the word Allah in bible (Malay translation) ? 

This two questions need to be search deeply and throughly as we cant jump into conclusion easily. 
Need to get an answer from christian themself. So, lets search for it together.

Well, that' all . oh.oh. before that. check this out.

What is Friendly Comparative Religions (FCR) ?

Well, basically. FCR is a two-days course that will give you a lot of knowlegde and skills on dakwah to non-muslims. For the first stage, phase 1 - we will only learn something  basic in other religions such as Christians,  Hinduism, Buddha , and Taoisme. Also, we  will learn how to understand the mualaf . and some more.

I tell you, it is really awesome ! *sangat ohsemmm ! tak tipu*

Afraid on learning other religions? Why? Dont you believe that Islam is the true religions?
Come join us.

Any questions, can ask me through my facebook- Syafiqah Farhanah,

Thats all :)

Have a nice day,

Assalamualaikum .

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